2024 - Programme

We'll update this page as workshops for this year are confirmed. Please contact us if you are interested in booking a stall or running a talk/workshop

Bookfair main space

Stalls and the vegan cafe will be in the main space (ground floor) and the courtyard all day.

Workshops Timetable

Workshops will be in the smaller room on the ground floor

  • 12pm till 12.50pm - Police Spies Out Of Lives will update us on the drawn out but crucial spycops enquiry in Britain. Quite a lot of activists had their lives turned upside down when they discovered that their friend / lover / comrade was a deep cover spycop and the system itself has been shaken to some extent by this scandal- https://policespiesoutoflives.org.uk/ - https://x.com/out_of_lives?lang=en
  • 1pm till 1.50pm - Making Things Happen & Being Safe - Members of Liverpool’s Next To Nowhere social centre will be sharing some of their experience and ideas. We’ll talk about decision-making and team work and will also touch on how we might handle difficult and disruptive people.
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  • 2.30pm till 3.20pm - Radical Theory & Praxis - the Moscow-based Radical Theory and Praxis publishing co-op who will be giving us an online presentation about an important figure in the Russian anarchist/anti-fascist scene. Aleksei Sutuga spent time in jail and passed away in 2000. - more info about Socrates
  • 3.30pm till 4.20pm - Patients Not Passports are committed to free health care for everyone in Britain regardless of race and immigration status. Members will be telling us about their work.- https://patientsnotpassports.co.uk/
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  • 6pm till 7pm - Spoken Word session - Want to give us a poem, story or song? Join in.

    followed by short films courtesy of Red City Disco

  • Red City Disco will also be running the after party at the same venue, starting around 9pm. Red City organise periodical DJ nights and raise money for righteous causes like us. This event’s funds will also go to help Palestinian victims of Israeli attacks. Buy your ticket now at News From Nowhere bookshop, Bold St, L1 for £10. Or pay more on the door.

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