2024 - Stalls

We'll update this page as stalls for this year are confirmed. Please contact us if you are interested in booking a stall or running a talk/workshop

  • Active Distribution - https://www.activedistributionshop.org/
  • Anarchist Federation - As anarchist communists we fight for a world without leaders, where power is shared equally amongst communities, and people are free to reach their full potential. We do this by supporting working class resistance to exploitation and oppression, organise alongside our neighbours and workmates, host informative events, and produce publications that help make sense of the world around us. - http://afed.org.uk/
  • Banned In Braille - Banned in Braille is a cheap consciousness raising mag from Liverpool, with satire, news, puzzles and features about potentially anything. Includes the famous and controversial ‘Delta Adventures’ cartoon strip which explores what can happen when a minicab company becomes too powerful – even to the point where the physical laws of the universe can no longer be trusted.
  • Citizens Of The Wrong Type - An examination of the history of governments forcibly and coercively sterilising sections of their populations, with examples of other abusive medical and experimental practices performed on unwilling and unknowing people by the State. This is followed by a comparison with the outrages inflicted on animals, which are justified by those responsible in similarly dubious terms, and a questioning of what value citizenship has as a concept and what protections it offers us - https://https://www.activedistributionshop.org/product/citizens-of-the-wrong-type/
  • Dog Section Press - Dog Section Press is a not-for-profit publisher and distributor of seditious literature - http://dogsection.org/
  • Footprint - We are a small ecologically minded printers based in Leeds. We print booklets, zines, leaflets, stickers, newsletters, fliers, books, CD wallets and that sort of gubbins. We are a workers co-operative, which means our business is owned by the workers. As we have no bosses we run it as we want, doing interesting jobs for interesting people. - http://www.footprinters.co.uk/
  • Gutter Gear - Gutter Gear is a DIY anarchist distro based out of London and the UK spreading free radical zines and literature, with a focus on green anarchist, insurrectionary, anti-civ, youth and animal liberation, anti-fascist, radical feminist, decolonial, squatting, anti-work, radical vegan and DIY texts. - https://instagram.com/gutter_gear?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=/
  • Hydra Books, Wales - https://www.hydrabooks.org//
  • Liverpool Hunt Saboteurs - Hunting with hounds was banned in England & Wales in 2005, however most hunts continue much as they did before. The police rarely help enforce the Hunting Act, due to a combination of ignorance on hunting techniques and interpretation of the law, and bias towards those who hunt and against those who try to stop it. In theory hunting with hounds is a thing of the past but in practice countless animals are pursued and ripped to pieces by hunts in the UK every week. Liverpool hunt saboteurs have experience of using non-violent direct action tactics to save the lives of thousands of hunted animals every season - https://lpoolhuntsabs.wordpress.com/
  • Manchester & Salford Anarchist Bookfair - Anarchist Bookfair that (usually) happens annually in Manchester or Salford. - https://bookfair.org.uk/
  • Merseyside Animal Rights - Merseyside Animal Rights is a group which campaigns against any form of animal exploitation in the Merseyside area and beyond. - https://www.merseysideanimalrights.org/ - https://en-gb.facebook.com/MARcampaigns/
  • New Escapologist - https://www.newescapologist.co.uk//
  • Next To Nowhere - Liverpool’s anarchist social centre and vegan space - http://www.liverpoolsocialcentre.org/
  • Northern Herald Books - Secondhand books, specialising in anarchism, libertarian socialism and left history - https://www.pbfa.org/members/northern-herald-books
  • Old Moles Collective - We are a discussion group and not a political group as such, but our shared commitment to radical politics has led us to writing and self-publishing materials as discussion documents. All our books are professionally printed and therefore presented to a high standard. On our stall we would be selling a range of these books at low prices - https://libcom.org/tags/old-moles-collective
  • Palestine Action - We are a direct-action focused organisation. This means that while we use social media and workshops as spaces of education and awareness making, direct-action is our first and last priority. We believe that there is enough education out there to understand the situation in Palestine, now is the time to use that knowledge to take action. We use a variety of tactics from direct-action to civil disobedience to pressure companies to either end their complicity in Israel’s Apartheid regime, or to leave - https://www.palestineaction.org/
  • Pirate Press - independent publisher based in Sheffield - https://www.facebook.com/sheffieldpublisher/
  • Radical Poster Collective - We are a non-profit collective of socialist trade unionists formed in 2022, united by our appreciation of radical posters - https://twitter.com/RadicalPosters
  • Roaming Roots - distro around anarchoherbalism - https://www.instagram.com/roamingroots_shopndistro/
  • Section K Press - a small independent press that publishes radical essays, fiction, psychogeography and photography - https://sectionkpress.wordpress.com/ along with our sister publication Black Mold Press, which exclusively publishes radical essays by Marxists and anarchists that fit our general theme of emancipation, anti-capitalism, anti-hierarchy and anti-bigotry. We’ll also bring publications from The Black Lamp https://www.black-lamp.com/ & Less Than 500 Press https://lessthanfivehundred.bigcartel.com/
  • Seditionist Distribution - – facilitation, distribution & anarchive co-operative. No profit - https://seditionist.uk/
  • Solidarity Federation - Liverpool local of the Solidarity Federation (aka SolFed, SF) - an anarcho-syndicalist federation of groups across the United Kingdom promoting direct action and solidarity among the working class. Everyone involved is helping to build a non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian solidarity movement. - https://liverpoolsf.noblogs.org/
  • Under the Pavement - The long running anarchist radio show broadcast on Manchester’s ALL FM 96.9 community radio station - https://underthepavement.org/
  • Word Vomit / Strictly Unprofessional Press - punk poetry & literature - https://strictlyunprofessional.bigcartel.com/
Photograph of several people browsing stalls at the bookfair
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